Thursday, September 15, 2011

September 15th 2011

I know many of you have been waiting on me to write you and update... I apologize it hasnt been sooner. I will try and post something once a week. 

Billy's surgery went well on Sept. 7th. He is going to have to have multiple more procedures on his right eye. Billy had another surgery yesterday to remove the 2 large growths on his voice box and to open up his airway. His surgery went very well and he is back in his room today after a night in ICU.

They are talking about discharging him from Shepherd Friday but he will still have to continue 8 weeks of out patient rehab.

Ron is still in ICU at Grady. They are having to find a facility to move him to but it is proving to be difficult. There are not as many facilities that know how to do what Ron's care calls for. He is still at a stage 3 and they want him at a 4 before the Shepherd center will take him. The closest facility his parents have found is HOPEFULLY in Roswell but if not there they will have to move him to south of Macon. 
Please continue to pray for Ron and his family. Go visit him!!! The more the visitors and faces he knows the better the healing process is. He looks great though. He opens his eyes and follows those who are talking but he only sometimes follows commands. We need him to follow more commands to get him into Shepherd. 

The benefit at Tavern 99 was a great success!!! Thank you to all that came out!! Your love and encouragement is greatly appreciated. 

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