Update: We found out tonight that Billy is going to have to have another surgery. The ocular wall in his right eye is either broken or pushed back. Muscles and tendons are falling into his right sinus cavity. If you have seen him you may have noticed that his right eye looks either swollen or droopy. The surgery should also help with his double-vision and constant headache. we do not know when the surgery will be yet. I will let everyone know. The wires will stay on for at least 2 more weeks, but possibly up to 4 more weeks. Please keep the prayers coming. Much love, Jill
Ron had a rough day today. His blood pressure and heart rate was high all day. He is still very swollen and will have to have more drainage removed from his lungs. He is having a hard time breathing. They may have to put him back on the vent for breathing.
They are looking for good places to possibly move him. Like a nursing home but not... If you know of any places please share it with us. His family lives in Dacula, so the closer to their home the better.
love to you all.
Sunday, July 31st at 1:15am Billy Wilkerson and Ron Bailey were driving home from a friends gathering and were hit by a drunk driver. They have been in Grady Memorial ICU ever since.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
August 24th
I am so sorry that I have not updated in a few days. Progression is slower than it was from day to day in the beginning.
Ron is awake, moving his eyes and tries to move his mouth but still has the tubes and things in his throat so it makes it difficult. His arms are swollen about the size of his legs. The doctor has not said much about this but the nurses say its normal. He finally had surgery the day before yesterday. They had to take skin from his upper thigh to cover the large gnash he had in his calfs. They could not operate and fix his legs until he was in a better place from his severe head trauma.
They will be moving him but not to the Shepherd Center yet but to a nursing home. He is still unable to move but is progressing. There is not much more they can do for him at Grady that a nursing home cannot do. Hopefully the swelling can go down and his legs will heal quickly so he can start attempting to move around more.
His son turned 1 today. His birthday party will be this weekend. Mandi is going to record the whole thing so that Ron can see it. I wish he could be more apart of it. I know he does too.
Billy is adjusting to the Shepherd Center. Jill was told today they are looking at maybe two more weeks at this facility and then he will go to the out patient facility in Decatur. He is progressing well.
He has daily physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy and cognitive group.
He still has his humor though and his big heart. Unfortunately he has severe headaches daily and they get worse in the evenings. Nothing seems to help with the pain. He is seeing double of everything and this could be contributing greatly to the headaches but they are unsure. He gets to wear these super spiffy glasses to help improve his vision.
Last night Levi brought him a guitar but he refused to play in front of anyone. Today while Jill was visiting he played it wonderfully.
A sad but funny story... Billy was with his therapist and she asked him to tell her as many animals as he could think of... He sat there and said "cockatoo" thought a moment longer and said " I know its not a damn Annabelle"... for those of you who know us well, Levi and I have a dog and her name is Annabelle. Frequently we call her, damn Annabelle. lol He is trying!!!
Both of these guys still need our love and support! They need our encouragement and if you can a moment they could use a visit. Visiting helps with positive progression. Go See Them!!!!!
Billy can have visitors between 4-9pm everyday
Ron can have visitors any time except in shift changes which if I remember are at 7-8am and 7-8pm
Next Monday August 29th http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=245408862157069 the cost is $20.00
If you cannot attend in person see it online at http://www.stageit.com/levi_lowrey_and_guests/grassroots_revival_benefit_for_billy_wilkerson_and_ron_bailey/4506 The price is any amount you can give to donate to these guys.
Thank you all for everything!! Your love, prayers, support and encouragement.
Friday, August 19, 2011
August 19th 2011
Yesterday Ron had his eyes open most of the day.There is not much response from him though. He did move one of his eyes at his mother's command. There is some optical nerve damage in his right eye that will heal. The doctors feel he is now stable enough for surgery on his leg. He is scheduled for a 2 hr operation today to skin graft his leg. This will be a painful surgery due to the area they will be removing the skin from to place on the open wound on his leg. However he is second on the list so it could be another day.
After much unnecessary drama with the insurance company Billy FINALLY made it to the Shepherd Center yesterday. They lowered his treche collar at some point when we did not know so they are going to take it off hopefully Monday.
His evaluations yesterday went as to be expected with the doctors it seems but worrisome to some of us. But we must keep in mind he did suffer severe head trauma.
Levi and I were discussing food ideas for the benefit August 29th and I couldn't recall what Billy liked more,(he has the most random taste in food. He loves to eat fish eyes... YUCK) so I messaged Jill and she said "I dont know but he said when he gets out the first meal he wants is white pancakes, sausage and eggs mixed with cereal." lol He is definitely on the road to recovery. He was singing in the shower this morning. Nothing but ooooos and hmmms and ahhhhs but it was singing none the less.
Its so wonderful to know my brother is doing so well but it breaks my heart to know our long time brother is still in ICU. He is slowly improving with baby steps though. We must hold on the the positive to help us all get through. Ron is a rare friend and someone our whole family loves and adores. Please keep your prayers going up for him and his family as well as Billy. They both have such a long road ahead.
Please remember you can donate at anytime to either family by going to Levi's website
We are also holding a benefit for Billy and Ron at Tavern 99 on August 29th
Be looking for updates on what will be happening. The line up is already looking to make the night a huge success and a night to remember. There will be several items for auction as well... these items are pretty sweet too if I do say so myself so please come out if you can and support these two wonderful gentlemen.
After much unnecessary drama with the insurance company Billy FINALLY made it to the Shepherd Center yesterday. They lowered his treche collar at some point when we did not know so they are going to take it off hopefully Monday.
His evaluations yesterday went as to be expected with the doctors it seems but worrisome to some of us. But we must keep in mind he did suffer severe head trauma.
Levi and I were discussing food ideas for the benefit August 29th and I couldn't recall what Billy liked more,(he has the most random taste in food. He loves to eat fish eyes... YUCK) so I messaged Jill and she said "I dont know but he said when he gets out the first meal he wants is white pancakes, sausage and eggs mixed with cereal." lol He is definitely on the road to recovery. He was singing in the shower this morning. Nothing but ooooos and hmmms and ahhhhs but it was singing none the less.
Its so wonderful to know my brother is doing so well but it breaks my heart to know our long time brother is still in ICU. He is slowly improving with baby steps though. We must hold on the the positive to help us all get through. Ron is a rare friend and someone our whole family loves and adores. Please keep your prayers going up for him and his family as well as Billy. They both have such a long road ahead.
Please remember you can donate at anytime to either family by going to Levi's website
We are also holding a benefit for Billy and Ron at Tavern 99 on August 29th
Be looking for updates on what will be happening. The line up is already looking to make the night a huge success and a night to remember. There will be several items for auction as well... these items are pretty sweet too if I do say so myself so please come out if you can and support these two wonderful gentlemen.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
August 16th 2011
Last night Billy slept very well so I spent a good deal of time talking to Ron in his room. I could tell he could hear me but only because his breathing would increase. I played the Beach Boys for him all night long. This morning I brought back the old school and played Barenaked Ladies.
This morning we found out that Billy will have to wait to go to the Shepherd Center because their insurance people are... well... I do not like them. None of us do.
But also this morning while Jill was helping Billy do some things I went to visit Ron again. Ron Sr and I were sitting there and Ron Jr OPENED HIS EYES!!!!! At first we thought it was just a response to the nurse aggravating him but Sr and I kept talking to him. Sr asked him to blink his eyes if he could hear us and understand, he did it. He continued to do it a few more times. While I was in there later in the morning I was talking to him and he would look at me on and off. I told him to open his eyes and look at the picture of his boy Sawyer I had in front of him and he did. So it is definitely official that he understands what we are saying. This is such a blessing!!! I knew it would happen but it was when and none of us have great patience.
Its amazing what can happen when you have an army behind you.
Please continue to spread the word and donate what you can.
There are many sticky things that go along with this situation and these guys need to get the treatment
they deserve but its going to cost money. Please visit the link below.
Monday, August 15, 2011
August 15th 2011
Also Please remember you can donate to both families by going to
Please give as generously as you can.
Thank you for all the love.
Please give as generously as you can.
Thank you for all the love.
August 15th 2011
Ron has been transferred to a private ICU room. They have identified the type of bacteria and now know how to treat it properly. He is now isolated so when you visit you must wear an attractive yellow gown and gloves. His fever has finally come down to something lower than 104. Keep the prayers coming. I am praying that once they fix this problem, he will be more apt to want to wake up.
Tomorrow Billy will be moved to the Shepard Center. He will start his rehabilitation.
Please pray for these guys. Yes Billy is doing better but Ron is one of Billy's best friends.
Both of these guys are very important to many people.
Please also August 29th save this date and come help raise money for these men and these families. Tavern 99 is the place to be that evening.
Thank you all for your continued love and support.
Tomorrow Billy will be moved to the Shepard Center. He will start his rehabilitation.
Please pray for these guys. Yes Billy is doing better but Ron is one of Billy's best friends.
Both of these guys are very important to many people.
Please also August 29th save this date and come help raise money for these men and these families. Tavern 99 is the place to be that evening.
Thank you all for your continued love and support.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
August 14th 2011
Ron Sr. spoke to the doctor today. There has been no neurological changes in my Ron jr. Once he is stable and breathing on his own, the next step will be to transfer him out. If he's awake, he will go to rehab. If he hasn't fully woke up, then he will go into a nursing home. It is still too soon to determine the quality of life he will have. He also still has fever.
Billy seems to be a little down today. They did get him up in a chair and out of bed.
Keep the prayers going up for both of them and their families, please.
If you can please go to the link below and donate to these families
Also there will be a benefit held for Ron Bailey and Billy Wilkerson
Monday August 29th 2011 at Tavern 99 here in Atlanta.
Take care,
Billy seems to be a little down today. They did get him up in a chair and out of bed.
Keep the prayers going up for both of them and their families, please.
If you can please go to the link below and donate to these families
Also there will be a benefit held for Ron Bailey and Billy Wilkerson
Monday August 29th 2011 at Tavern 99 here in Atlanta.
Take care,
Friday, August 12, 2011
August 12th 2011
Ron is still running fevers. They have opted to delay weaning his sedation until they can get the fever under control. Its source is bacterial. He does have pneumonia but his parents are unsure if there is another source as well. They are supposed to check with the doctors today. He did have a lot of the gunk cleaned out of his lungs yesterday as well.
Billy's angio CT came back clear. The carotid artery is okay. They have been slowly lowering his breathing machine to get him on his own. He got down to 1 yesterday and had to put it back up last night last night which the doctor did say yesterday was normal and may happen.
We appreciate all your prayers my brother is continuing to make great progress. Please pray for our other "brother" Ron.
Thank you all for your support!!!!
Please remember you can donate at any time to both of these families!
Click on link below
Billy's angio CT came back clear. The carotid artery is okay. They have been slowly lowering his breathing machine to get him on his own. He got down to 1 yesterday and had to put it back up last night last night which the doctor did say yesterday was normal and may happen.
We appreciate all your prayers my brother is continuing to make great progress. Please pray for our other "brother" Ron.
Thank you all for your support!!!!
Please remember you can donate at any time to both of these families!
Click on link below
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
August 8th Ron Update
The neurosurgeon removed the drain tube from his head. He said the bruising has started to heal. There is nothing more he can do at this point. He was concerned about his lack of response. Mama told him that up until now we have been unable to talk to him or touch him. He does want interaction with him now. So please, if you visit start talking to him. It is now up to him as to when he wakes up.
We will not know the extent of his brain damage, if there is any, until he wakes up. The neurosurgeon did say the next step would be rehab once he became alert and begins interacting.
from Rons sister beth
We will not know the extent of his brain damage, if there is any, until he wakes up. The neurosurgeon did say the next step would be rehab once he became alert and begins interacting.
from Rons sister beth
August 9th
Last night Billy struggled with pain but was still his witty self. He continues to try and pull his catheter out with his toes. lol He and Ron have been running fevers on and off. Billy will be sleeping and resting as much as possible the next several days.
Ron went back for his tracheotomy a couple of hours ago. He still has pneumonia but with the tubes being removed from his throat hopefully it will help clear it up.
You all are so wonderful for your concern with our family and close friend. We are lucky to have you.
There is a benefit show being put together here in Atlanta for the end of the month. More details will follow once I know more.
Love to you all.
Thank you.
Click below to donate to these families.
Ron went back for his tracheotomy a couple of hours ago. He still has pneumonia but with the tubes being removed from his throat hopefully it will help clear it up.
You all are so wonderful for your concern with our family and close friend. We are lucky to have you.
There is a benefit show being put together here in Atlanta for the end of the month. More details will follow once I know more.
Love to you all.
Thank you.
Click below to donate to these families.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Billy's surgery update
Im sorry for the delay. I attempted to update this through my phone and obviously it did not work...
Billy went into surgery today around 12:40pm and came out around 8:20pm
The surgery was successful. They did a tracheotomy, put a peg in his belly and also put the plates in his face and so forth. He had to also have his mouth wired shut and will be able to have it undone in two weeks.
Thank you for all your continued prayers!!
Now if we could just get Ron moving on a more steady positive track...
Please remember you can donate to these families by clicking on the link below
Billy went into surgery today around 12:40pm and came out around 8:20pm
The surgery was successful. They did a tracheotomy, put a peg in his belly and also put the plates in his face and so forth. He had to also have his mouth wired shut and will be able to have it undone in two weeks.
Thank you for all your continued prayers!!
Now if we could just get Ron moving on a more steady positive track...
Please remember you can donate to these families by clicking on the link below
August 8 2011 am
People keep getting shot in Atlanta so they are holding up the O.R. now Billy may or may not go into surgery today.
Ron spiked another fever last night of 104 and they finally moved the crazy man that was next to him!
Ron spiked another fever last night of 104 and they finally moved the crazy man that was next to him!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
August 7 2011 Update
Ron Update:
Needs two units of blood because hemoglobin is low. They put a tube in his stomach to see if he is bleeding but not bleeding though. His fever dropped to 101.8 but he has pneumonia being given antibiotics.
If you touch him need gloves but still are not allowed to talk to him.
Looking more like his self...
Hopefully tomorrow they will do Ron's tracheotomy.
Billy Update:
If you enter into Billy's you must wear the Gucci paper yellow gown and purple gloves. Currently Billy has a bacteria infection in his blood. Lungs are looking better but not in the clear. Tomorrow they will be doing his tracheotomy and tentative they will reconnect his upper teeth plate to his face with two metal plates and putting his cheek bones back together with tiny screws.
We do not know what time either of them will go back. But please continue to keep both Ron and Billy in your prayers.
Please spread the word and if you can donate to these gentlemen's families it would be greatly appreciated.
Click below to donate
August 7 2011
When you enter Billy's room now you must wear a yellow paper gown and gloves. They are trying to prevent spreading infection. They are changing his IV's to sub clavial (underneath his collar bone) to keep his veins from getting damaged because his sodium is low and they need increase it.
Ron is holding steady.
Ron is holding steady.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
August 6 2011
No new update with either Ron or Billy. The doctor said there would be many slow unchanging days and we just have to be patient. Thank you for all your love and support.
If you can please donate to both families at the link below
If you can please donate to both families at the link below
Friday, August 5, 2011
Billy with Levi and the CHB Playing around in Walmart after a show at Sweetwater Bar and Grill

- Posted using BlogPress from
my iPhone
Always the funny guy

Ron in High School such a sweet genuine smile

This was the day they decided to Burn a bunch of their things in my parents back yard... I'm quite sure they regretted that.

- Posted using BlogPress from
my iPhone
Always the funny guy

Ron in High School such a sweet genuine smile

This was the day they decided to Burn a bunch of their things in my parents back yard... I'm quite sure they regretted that.

Billy's music
For those of you who have not heard any of Billy's music outside of Levi Lowrey and the CHB
check his page out.
For those of you who have not heard any of Billy's music outside of Levi Lowrey and the CHB
check his page out.
August 5th 2011
They ended up not being able to do any of Billy's surgeries today due to over flow in O.R. so they have scheduled it for Monday.
They were unable to do Ron's treche surgery either.
Please pray for peace, strength, healing and encouragement as we all continue through this.
They were unable to do Ron's treche surgery either.
Please pray for peace, strength, healing and encouragement as we all continue through this.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Please Donate
I know many of you have already done. Thank you!! Please spread the word and encourage those that can to donate to these families.
Both of our families appreciate all of your love, support and prayers!!!! We have been blessed!
Thank you!
Click on the link below to go and donate
August 4th 2011 continued
Just a quick update on Ron... The skull was never replaced, but the skin flap was. This is a good thing because it can allow for expansion in case the brain needs it. His fever is up and down- when it is up it's around 102. They are going to put a cooling blanket under him to cool him down. Aside from having a fractured right arm, he has a fractured jaw- but the doctor does not think that he will need to go in and repair it (I think). Around 6 p.m.every night, Ron becomes agitated and his blood pressure shoots up.
The doctors are stressing that Ron not be stimulated as it causes him to become agitated and this interrupts the healing process. So, if you are able to visit Ron, please remain mindful of this- it can be very frustrating for him to not be able to talk back when people talk to him, and he can't really respond to physical commands just yet- the doctors objective is for his body to heal and to reduce the agitation and stimulation he recieves.
August 4th 2011
I just came back from seeing my darling brother...
They will be removing Billy's tube from his nose and placing it into his mouth to get it out of the way.
Tomorrow they will be removing all of the tubes from Billy's face and doing a tracheotomy so that the tubes are no longer laying on his vocal cords. They will also be putting a peg into his stomach so he can be feed through there. While they are doing this they will go ahead and take care of the fractures that are in his cheek bones. They will take him back around 11 and start at 1pm
There is a possible concern with a carotid artery on the right side of his neck. Where two veins broke and fused onto one another. They will not know more about this until they can remove tubes and do another CT tomorrow or Saturday.
Just received the police report... more later.
They will be removing Billy's tube from his nose and placing it into his mouth to get it out of the way.
Tomorrow they will be removing all of the tubes from Billy's face and doing a tracheotomy so that the tubes are no longer laying on his vocal cords. They will also be putting a peg into his stomach so he can be feed through there. While they are doing this they will go ahead and take care of the fractures that are in his cheek bones. They will take him back around 11 and start at 1pm
There is a possible concern with a carotid artery on the right side of his neck. Where two veins broke and fused onto one another. They will not know more about this until they can remove tubes and do another CT tomorrow or Saturday.
Just received the police report... more later.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
August 3rd 2011
Today... Today... Today...
Ron will be heavily sedated for a couple of weeks due to his brain surgery so that he can heal up. He has a slight fever but that is normal for the body to react that way. Mostly his is the waiting game. I hate that I don't have more to say about Ron but it really is best for him to heal his body.
Billy's CT showed an abnormal connection in his carotid artery. Recheck in a couple days to see if a catheter is needed. Bacterial infection in his blood, which is normal in ICU. Lungs are relatively stable, but he is still not breathing on his own. Bronchoscopy again. No more sedatives. Morphine for the pain.
Tonight Zachary (my younger brother) and Jill got Billy to communicate with his
right hand. He will tap the bed for "yes"and shake his hand back and forth for "no". He also played a triplet and a paradiddle which is not easy.
While Levi and I were in the room with Billy I changed the ipod to something other than shakira... I told him "i know she's hot and all but her music is awful!" lol So I put my phone on to Florence and the Machine. He started drumming on our hands to the beat of the song. And then, he played air djembe. It was great. Then he proceeded to try and roll out of the bed and pull his tubes out of his mouth. Also while Levi and I were in the room we were holding his hands, on Levi's side Billy was rubbing two fingers together and had our attention... then we looked over and he had flicked of the pulse monitor off his finger on the hand I was holding. Such trickery. He continues to crack us up.
He is doing much better but it is still hard to see him strapped down and in pain.
Please continue to pray for both of these wonderful guys!
Thank you Thank you Thank you to all that have donated. Please continue to spread the word. There is a long road ahead of both of these guys!!
Click on this link below to donate to both Ron Bailey and Billy Wilkerson
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
August 2nd
Day 3...
Ron's skull was reattached early this morning. He is doing great! Lifted his arm in response to something his dad said. They also added a feeding tube(they actually did this yesterday). I know they cut back on his respirator but I am unsure to what.
Billy made progress as well... at around 3am the Neurologist came to see him. He asked Billy to grab his hand and he did, asked him to reach for his stomach and he did and then he asked him to open his eyes and look at him. Boy did he look at that man... if he had not been in restrants he might have tried to take him. lol
After that he asked Billy to look at me (stephanie) and he did. I thought I might explode!!
He has been completely relying on the respirator for breathing but they lowered it today it to 40% and also added a feeding tube.
Great Great things are happening for these guys!! They have a long way but they are fighters and will not stop till they are better.
Please if you have the time and are able go to the link below and donate to these families.
Thank you all for everything!
Ron's skull was reattached early this morning. He is doing great! Lifted his arm in response to something his dad said. They also added a feeding tube(they actually did this yesterday). I know they cut back on his respirator but I am unsure to what.
Billy made progress as well... at around 3am the Neurologist came to see him. He asked Billy to grab his hand and he did, asked him to reach for his stomach and he did and then he asked him to open his eyes and look at him. Boy did he look at that man... if he had not been in restrants he might have tried to take him. lol
After that he asked Billy to look at me (stephanie) and he did. I thought I might explode!!
He has been completely relying on the respirator for breathing but they lowered it today it to 40% and also added a feeding tube.
Great Great things are happening for these guys!! They have a long way but they are fighters and will not stop till they are better.
Please if you have the time and are able go to the link below and donate to these families.
Thank you all for everything!
August 1st 2011
Day Two...
First bronchoscopy was done. Billy did asperate blood, stomach fluid,etc. His left lung looked clear, his right lung looked "gunky". The Dr. tried to irrigate as best he could. Regular chest x-rays to watch for infection. Once the Xray was done it showed that his right lung was collasped and they had to drain the lung that was full of liquid.
Drs finally came in. as far as facial surgery, that is lower priority and can't be looked at til the swelling goes down. His CT looked the same as the first one.which is a good thing-it hadn't gotten worse. His lung x-ray showed a partially collapsed lower lobe of his right lung. That is only b/c of the fluids he asperated.
Billy's 2nd bronchoscopy went well. They got the rest of the junk out of his right lung. It should slowly start to function fully. The swelling in his face has started to go down. He is so strong!
As for Ron, we are still unsure the extent of his injuries. It was difficult but they removed contacts from his eyes. They said he had fractors in both cheeks but nothing is displaced and will probably heal withour surgery. He was sediated heavier today. Not much of a response with hand squeezes and such.
We have created accounts for people to donate to both families.
Neither of these guys have insurance and will be out of work for a good while.
Please click on the link below, donate and pass it along.
I know I am speaking for both families when I say Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
First bronchoscopy was done. Billy did asperate blood, stomach fluid,etc. His left lung looked clear, his right lung looked "gunky". The Dr. tried to irrigate as best he could. Regular chest x-rays to watch for infection. Once the Xray was done it showed that his right lung was collasped and they had to drain the lung that was full of liquid.
Drs finally came in. as far as facial surgery, that is lower priority and can't be looked at til the swelling goes down. His CT looked the same as the first one.which is a good thing-it hadn't gotten worse. His lung x-ray showed a partially collapsed lower lobe of his right lung. That is only b/c of the fluids he asperated.
Billy's 2nd bronchoscopy went well. They got the rest of the junk out of his right lung. It should slowly start to function fully. The swelling in his face has started to go down. He is so strong!
As for Ron, we are still unsure the extent of his injuries. It was difficult but they removed contacts from his eyes. They said he had fractors in both cheeks but nothing is displaced and will probably heal withour surgery. He was sediated heavier today. Not much of a response with hand squeezes and such.
We have created accounts for people to donate to both families.
Neither of these guys have insurance and will be out of work for a good while.
Please click on the link below, donate and pass it along.
I know I am speaking for both families when I say Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Sunday July 31st 2011
Hello All!!!
Stephanie Lowrey here. I am going to recount what has gone on the best that I can. There are many things that have taken place in the last couple of days. I will probably not be the only one posting but will be the main one. Thank you all for you continued love and support for our families! We are a unit and greatly appreciate each of you.
Your support has been overwhelming and encouraging beyond any of our expectations.
Sunday morning around 1:00 am Billy Wilkerson and Ron Bailey left a mutual friends house to go home. Billy was driving Ron's truck down Glenwood Road in Atlanta, Georgia. As of now the story is a BMW was driving along side of them and side swiped them causing them to first spin and then flip 5 to 8 times.
Billy has signs of wearing his seat belt however was thrown from the truck and landed on his face. Ron continued to roll with the truck that eventually slammed into a telephone pole.
Billy's mother was contacted and told that he was unresponsive and was being taken to Grady Memorial in Atlanta. Ron was taken to the same place.
At 2:04 am I received a phone call from my sister that Billy had been in an accident. At 2:30 am I placed the call to Jill, Billy's wife and told her what had happened but did not know anything yet and would call as soon as I found some more information. At 3:00am Billy and Ron were still in the ER having a CT scan done and being moved to the neurological ICU.
By 5:00 am the hospital didn't know there head from there butts, telling both families two different things. First that they were in their rooms upstairs. Then to go up and find out they are not there and they are unsure where they are at this time. It was frustrating for both families who had not a clue what either Ron or Billy's current conditions were.
Ron was placed in his room first around 6:00am and the doctor came out to speak to his parents ,Ron Sr and Gwen. Ron had heavy trauma to his head. He was bleeding, had lots of pressure and his skull was busted open. They were concerned and need to place a small tube in his brain to let the fluid out.
Billy was still in the ER waiting to be taken to get a CT scan. At first we were concerned and upset he was just laying there. But the hospital needed to take care of the more heavily traumatized patience and would get to him. So that meant he was not as bad off as some others.
Billy was placed into his room around 8am while I was on my way to pick up Jill and the children from the airport. (Jill and the kids had been in Ohio and Jill had to fly home on the first flight in)
While I was out they told my parents that Billy had head trauma to his right ear and may never have hearing in that ear ever again. He also had bone particles floating in his ear.
Just a bit later they tell us..."Oops sorry we read you the wrong CT scan"
I felt horrible because I had already told her this news an then had to tell her the real news...
Billy suffered from a broken jaw and his top teeth had been shoved into his head. They will have to do a surgery to wire his jaw together in 3 weeks. He had several cuts on his face, he bit into his lip cutting it nearly in half. He had some blood and pressure on the brain and would need to monitor.
Jill and I made it back and my dad took Jill to see Billy.
Later that day Ron's pressure on the brain was building and they had to go in and remove part of his skull to help with the swelling. It was a successful surgery that helped greatly with the swelling.
Billy and Ron both respond to painful stimuli.
Gwen and Ron Sr stayed the night with Ron. Jill and I stayed with Billy and the charge nurse was gracious enough to let my parents stay too. Usually they do not allow more than two people per night.
All the couches in the waiting room were taken so we had to go to the extra waiting room for ICU.
All they have are chairs and we ended up sleeping on the floor with a single blanket wrapped around us and a pillow. It was aweful but better than nothing. It did not matter what we had to do. None of us were leaving.
Stephanie Lowrey here. I am going to recount what has gone on the best that I can. There are many things that have taken place in the last couple of days. I will probably not be the only one posting but will be the main one. Thank you all for you continued love and support for our families! We are a unit and greatly appreciate each of you.
Your support has been overwhelming and encouraging beyond any of our expectations.
Sunday morning around 1:00 am Billy Wilkerson and Ron Bailey left a mutual friends house to go home. Billy was driving Ron's truck down Glenwood Road in Atlanta, Georgia. As of now the story is a BMW was driving along side of them and side swiped them causing them to first spin and then flip 5 to 8 times.
Billy has signs of wearing his seat belt however was thrown from the truck and landed on his face. Ron continued to roll with the truck that eventually slammed into a telephone pole.
Billy's mother was contacted and told that he was unresponsive and was being taken to Grady Memorial in Atlanta. Ron was taken to the same place.
At 2:04 am I received a phone call from my sister that Billy had been in an accident. At 2:30 am I placed the call to Jill, Billy's wife and told her what had happened but did not know anything yet and would call as soon as I found some more information. At 3:00am Billy and Ron were still in the ER having a CT scan done and being moved to the neurological ICU.
By 5:00 am the hospital didn't know there head from there butts, telling both families two different things. First that they were in their rooms upstairs. Then to go up and find out they are not there and they are unsure where they are at this time. It was frustrating for both families who had not a clue what either Ron or Billy's current conditions were.
Ron was placed in his room first around 6:00am and the doctor came out to speak to his parents ,Ron Sr and Gwen. Ron had heavy trauma to his head. He was bleeding, had lots of pressure and his skull was busted open. They were concerned and need to place a small tube in his brain to let the fluid out.
Billy was still in the ER waiting to be taken to get a CT scan. At first we were concerned and upset he was just laying there. But the hospital needed to take care of the more heavily traumatized patience and would get to him. So that meant he was not as bad off as some others.
Billy was placed into his room around 8am while I was on my way to pick up Jill and the children from the airport. (Jill and the kids had been in Ohio and Jill had to fly home on the first flight in)
While I was out they told my parents that Billy had head trauma to his right ear and may never have hearing in that ear ever again. He also had bone particles floating in his ear.
Just a bit later they tell us..."Oops sorry we read you the wrong CT scan"
I felt horrible because I had already told her this news an then had to tell her the real news...
Billy suffered from a broken jaw and his top teeth had been shoved into his head. They will have to do a surgery to wire his jaw together in 3 weeks. He had several cuts on his face, he bit into his lip cutting it nearly in half. He had some blood and pressure on the brain and would need to monitor.
Jill and I made it back and my dad took Jill to see Billy.
Later that day Ron's pressure on the brain was building and they had to go in and remove part of his skull to help with the swelling. It was a successful surgery that helped greatly with the swelling.
Billy and Ron both respond to painful stimuli.
Gwen and Ron Sr stayed the night with Ron. Jill and I stayed with Billy and the charge nurse was gracious enough to let my parents stay too. Usually they do not allow more than two people per night.
All the couches in the waiting room were taken so we had to go to the extra waiting room for ICU.
All they have are chairs and we ended up sleeping on the floor with a single blanket wrapped around us and a pillow. It was aweful but better than nothing. It did not matter what we had to do. None of us were leaving.
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